Ternary Position Scales


Define the ternary continuous position scales (T, L & R).


scale_T_continuous(name = waiver(), limits = NULL, breaks = waiver(), minor_breaks = waiver(), labels = waiver(), ...)
scale_L_continuous(name = waiver(), limits = NULL, breaks = waiver(), minor_breaks = waiver(), labels = waiver(), ...)
scale_R_continuous(name = waiver(), limits = NULL, breaks = waiver(), minor_breaks = waiver(), labels = waiver(), ...)


The name of the scale. Used as axis or legend title. If NULL, the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first mapping used for that aesthetic.
A numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale. Use NA to refer to the existing minimum or maximum.
One of:
  • NULL for no breaks
  • waiver() for the default breaks computed by the transformation object
  • A numeric vector of positions
  • A function that takes the limits as input and returns breaks as output
One of:
  • NULL for no minor breaks
  • waiver() for the default breaks (one minor break between each major break)
  • A numeric vector of positions
  • A function that given the limits returns a vector of minor breaks.
One of:
  • NULL for no labels
  • waiver() for the default labels computed by the transformation object
  • A character vector giving labels (must be same length as breaks)
  • A function that takes the breaks as input and returns labels as output
not used